The name “Halos” is owned by Paramount Citrus, who also has the trademark POM Wonderful. The name “Cuties” is owned by Sun Pacific. 🏷️ Different Brand Names What the name “Cuties” and “Halos” comes down to is marketing names from different companies. What is the difference between cuties and halos? Clementines should have soft, think skin. Avoid crates that contain fruit with blemishes, dull spots, and signs of green near the stem or on the skin that look a little tough. Choose a crate of clementines that have fruits with a glossy, uniform, bright-orange color all around. While some people don’t like the taste of cold clementines, putting them in a relatively cold and dark place like the fridge will help them keep their freshness and keep them out of the way of natural light. In the refrigerator, clementines should last up to 2 weeks. How long do Cutie oranges last in the fridge? Or, place mandarins in a bowl and cover loosely with Glad ® Press’n Seal ® wrap.

Store whole mandarins in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. How long do clementines last in the refrigerator? Properly stored, clementines will usually keep well for about 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge.

To extend the shelf life of clementines, refrigerate in a plastic bag. As the Florida Department of Citrus points out, oranges don’t ripen any further once they’ve been picked and the refrigerator is the best place for maximimizing their shelf life. Should Halo oranges be refrigerated?Īnswer: You don’t have to refrigerate oranges, but they’ll last much longer if you do. It’s hard to believe there was a time when Cuties®, nature’s perfect little fruit, was unknown to American moms and kids. The cooler temperature will keep them juicy and fresh for two to three weeks. To keep Cuties Clementines as sweet and fresh as possible, simply store them in the refrigerator. Whole clementines keep for about a week on the counter and 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge. Let’s briefly recap what we’ve covered above: Shelf life.