Truth be told, I started using Long Tail Pro early last year then kind of forgot that it was still on my computer because I was working on a few other project. If there was a way to make the process much easier and fun I would definitely go for it. I love searching for new keywords and niches, but hate doing the research! Long Tail Pro is one of those pieces of software. Want to retool your online marketing plan? Sign up with LongTail Pro right now and get 10,000 keyword lookups for $49.99.Every once in a while a really quality piece of software comes out that really changes the way we do research online. That includes a Domain Analysis feature to help you choose a winning URL right off the bat. Ownership comes with a seven-day SEO boot camp that provides a bird's-eye view of online marketing and insight into how anyone can navigate Google's complex rules of user engagement. This tool gives you more than just targeted keyword help. Users can also get Competitiveness Score Calculations on chosen keywords and complete search engine results analysis for web pages: Not only see what's best for your particular market, but get great intel on what your competitors might be using, as well. Need to find particular keyword suggestions quickly? Create filters based on your average CPC bid, search volume, rank value, and more.

The software is a keyword suggestion tool used to generate hundreds of hyper-specific long-tail keywords from a single term. If you're not familiar with their use, good news: LongTailPro has it down to a science. So-called "long-tail" keywords are a particularly essential weapon in hooking potential customers who use specific searches. But while the science of keyword tracking has changed, tagging your website with the right keywords (Opens in a new window) is still a big part of online marketing. And you better believe that sites that want to succeed are doing everything in their power to reach the top of it. While the internet may be nearly infinite, marketers view the web through a very tight keyhole-Google Search. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.