An example feed from the Euro to USD exchange rate will have contents such as the following: Online XML Example ĮCB | US dollar (USD) - Euro foreign exchange reference rates The RSS format itself is relatively easy to read both by automated processes and by humans alike. The european central bank, publishes an RSS Feed with the daily exchange rate between the EURO, and all other currencies. The program allows to user to calculate currency exchange rates and uses online data from the European Central Bank. The following code example is a C# version of the Currency Converter Application.

If you're an individual programmer or a small team, then i would recommend, downloading the free community edition.Select either the Proffessional, Community or Enterprise Edition and press the download button.Visit and navigate to the Windows Download Page.Step 1 : Download Visual Studio Installer The program allows the user to calculate currency exchange rates, using the available online data provided by the European Central Bank.

This tutorial shows, how to build a simple Currency Converter Application in the C# Programming Language.